Thursday, August 6, 2020

ONE of the most humbling moments of this Navy Veteran's entire LIFE: is reading and listening to the President TRUMP'S official SIGNATURE CEREMONY that includes QUINDARO RUINS

No words can adequately express the enormity of HUMANITY and CONSCIENCE of witnessing online that finally the QUINDARO TOWNSITE, that was designated as a new NATIONAL COMMEMORATIVE SITE with last year's 12 March 2019, PUBLIC LANDS PACKAGE.

And then we had our DEDICATION OFFICIAL COMMEMORATION on Tuesday 23 April 2019 featuring our BLESSING, Power Behind the Throne U.S. Senator Pat Roberts himself.  Current U. S. Congresswoman Sharice Davids, and U.S. Congressman Emanuel Cleaver and our former Congressman Kevin Yoder who attended and addressed a crowd of a little over 200 people at the QUINDARO TOWNSITE at the 12 noon occasion.

NOW, it's really official the budget and policy are in tact and have become federal law: there are really to many people to thank and list each ONE, so I'll just stop for now and TELL GOD, "THANK YOU, Lord- for hearing our PRAYERS and BLESSING our decision making leadership- for being so kind and reasserting the very same formulas of SERVICE EXCELLENCE- that helped to expand this beautiful country of ours, to include the QUINDARO RUINS / Underground Railroad- Archaeological POMPEII of Kansas Free-Port-of- Entry off the Missouri River, in northeastern Kansas City, Kansas.

We hope to utilize this sacred space of "HOLY GROUNDS" to CREATE JOBS and provide ENTREPRENEURSHIP Development Training for local Indigenous Black African American Citizens, and include Haskell Indian Nations University in Lawrence, Kansas as well, as regional Universities in implementation  of preservation, restoration of the largest known Archaeological Underground Railroad's in all of NORTH AMERICA to improve Race - Class - and Cultural Tolerance with both JOBS and Educational Cultural Interpretation: while simultaneously stabilizing the foundations at the QUINDARO mid-1800's  cradle of LIBERTY and the UNION.

But for the Grace and Mercy of God and our national leadership in WASHINGTON, D.C.- through a global PANDEMIC and upheaval all around us: the same Spiritual BEAUTY that built AMERICA'S United States is still well, thriving and robust.  We'll need FEDERAL HELP, as we proceed,now more than EVER.  God's continued blessings on our beloved country-

Marvin S. Robinson II

QUINDARO RUINS/ Underground Railroad- Exercise 2021 


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