Saturday, October 31, 2020

15. Theories Lecture: Johan Galtung's Structural Violence

 This is NOT still even being talked about, let alone taught, nor PUBLIC AFFAIRS - nor PUBLIC SERVICE  ANNOUNCEMENTS to assist with multitudes disparities and hardships: that BLOCK countless Low-to-Moderate Income Black African Americans; especially the secondary and multi-layered problematic OBSTACLES that adversely effect and impact BLACK Veterans.
Ought to be the CENTER-PIECE of how to move our nation forward, regarding deplorable and God awful INHUMANE Race, Class and Cultural Relationships among Black African Americans. 
For example, I let the Public Library hold and provide a safe location for my early original articles that were published in one of the Black weekly newspapers: because of a simple storage situation:
I had clipped, with date-line of each published article that bears my By-line, approximately 320 or so, articles about history, culture, environmental -cultural - and economic injustices: they were just suppose to hold my articles until, I could find a way to get them published, in the future.
THEN, the one librarian, had lost my compilation / collection: then she located, it: then she lost it, again; then she found it, (they moved the KANSAS ROOM around several times) Kansas City, Kansas PUBLIC LIBRARY.
Then they digitized my articles and promised, they've give me, my original articles back and a set of the digitized copy: NEXT, the librarian said, she thought I ought to re-write my ARTICLES because they were too, far- out there: to be put in a book and thought: that I had written things that were, basically UNPROVEN about the deplorable Race and Class issues in our area of Kansas City.
Now, I just pretty much another "At -Imminent Risk of Homeless Veteran" category by the H.U.D. definition: and it seems to not, too hardly concern or bother anybody, (anywhere)- except me, God and the 24 per day PRAYER LINE at Silent Unity.
THIS IS an example of STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE: and for years and into this day, people in our AREA- in the decision making arenas both Black African American and White American  do NOT think or believe we have a RACE and CLASS Intolerance Crisis.
They seem to think, I'm not good ENOUGH to have a BOOK published, from the early Independent Volunteer Research, Media / Public Relations and Creative Consultant efforts.
So when I found about the term, classification, subject matter of "STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE", a several years ago: it still seems like people in official authority feel like they have the RIGHT, to turn those who struggle into "ZOMBIE'S=will let you stay alive, with hardly / barely nothing, to prove, because we have access to official authority in employment, career occupational placement, formal education credentials, but don't ever try to be a HUMAN again and have a quality of life, with UTILITIES that operate, a Healthy Home, access to resources=
And some people in my family do not feel this way and have and do TRY to help: but the majority either don't know and those that- simply do NOT give a damn: they think I should have taken a job at a Fast Food or the local government's Animal Control Division.
So, in the event something ever drastic occurs to, me: tell "DON'T CRY for mE- QUINDARO", save their tears and possible temporary SELF-GUILT TRIPS and make sure the project I worked on and tried to cultivate for over THREE DECADES becomes the ultimate ZENITH of 21st CENTURY Archaeological preservation/- restoration to include JOBS CREATION and ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT TRAINING for both our Black African American Citizens and especially VETERANS.

Marvin S. Robinson II
QUINDARO RUINS/ Underground Railroad- Exercise 2021

P.S. These people even teamed up with relatives on the other side of the FAMILY, to monopolize and steal my my late father's estate: who ever heard of people STEALING from the mentally ill and eventually flagrantly HIJACKED my Inheritance: to prove DOMINANCE over, someone like mE.
I am an INTP (so most people, don't understand- or get, mE)

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